
The Python OpenID library is required to run openid_provider. By default it’ll use for persistent storage of OpenID related data.

To change the file system location that the default storage uses, you can optionally provide a OPENID_PROVIDER_FILESTORE_PATH setting.

In case you don’t want to store the OpenID related data on a file system, it’s also possible to make use of the DjangoOpenIDStore contained in the django_openid_auth app. Simply add an OPENID_PROVIDER_STORE setting to your settings:


This is especially useful in case your site is deployed in shared hosting environments.

Basic Installation

  1. Copy/install openid_provider into your project directory (or link to it).

  2. Add 'openid_provider' to INSTALLED_APPS and its dependencies:

        # ...
        # ...
  3. Add openid_provider/ to your urlpatterns, e.g.:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        # ...
        url(r'^openid/', include('openid_provider.urls')),
        # ...
  4. To create required tables in your database, run:

    python syncdb

    or (if you are using south):

    python migrate openid_provider


From <= 0.5

If you are using south you must fake initial migration:

python migrate openid_provider 0001 --fake

What is not provided

This application does not include most basic template every django project should have: base.html. You should have base.html file in one of your settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS directories and it should contain 3 base blocks:

  • title
  • extrahead
  • content

(see DosAndDontsForApplicationWriters and django template inheritance)

If your base template is named differently you should override openid_provider/base.html to contain something like:

{% extends "your_base_template_name.html" %}

If your base template have different blocks you could easily remap those:

{% block your_content_block_name %}{% block content %}{% endblock %}{% endblock %}